Friday, January 21, 2005


...or lack thereof.

Apparently I am really poor at recognizing the obvious, well obvious to other people.

I am very poor in understand other humans and it looks like it bites me again in the ass.

Ah well. I guess I need a lot more practice in dealing with other people, otherwise I'll lose out.

I was under the understanding that things were going relatively well, could have been better of course, but then again, nothing is perfect. In any event, it went well enough from my point of view (notice lack of perception again). Guess I was wrong

So one of two things is happening...either I am overreacting and things are alright just misunderstood (by me of course) or I am getting not so subtle hints to go away (which I am taking as of now).

Am I hurt? Yes. But more in the disappointed sort of way then oww I am going to die kind.

Ah well, life goes on, just need more practice. :/

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