Wednesday, February 02, 2005


So why exactly do our elected officials get away with so many ethic transgressions or even worse falsify and lie their way into office? Or lie and falsify WHILE in office?

Why do you vote? Because it is your duty? Because some candidate says to you that they know what is best? Do you really believe they will do what they say will do?

First rule about politics: Do not believe ANYTHING that a politician says.

That's an easy one to follow. But the real problem that we face is that, so what if they do? There is little to no accountability of our elected officials.

Do we really think that their "Ethics" committees will keep them in-line after the fact? Will censure really mean anything to them? Do they even have to follow the law that they either make or judge or offer for vote?

The answers to all those are a resounding NO.

So what the hell is the point of voting for people who will not do what they say they will do so you will vote for them? There is no point. What if there really is a candidate who occasionally does what they say they will do, but doesn't fight for things that YOU find important? Is that a good thing?

I say no.

The only person that can decide what is "best" for you, is you. That's it. No one else. No candidate will EVER believe everything you believe in, regardless of what they say. Because once they have the power you supposedly grant to them they do whatever the fuck they want.

What do you need to make them accountable? There is nothing you can do. Sorry to say it but its the truth.

Ok, so that's nice, now what?

The only way to do it is to be your own self, under your own rules. Granted, that is harsh and highly unlikely to happen. Most people don't even know how to take care of themselves, let alone do what they need to do to live and be happy. So, find other people who you mostly agree with and form a community. Each of you accountable to the others. If you do something shitty to another of your community then shit gets put on you for doing it. That's real accountability.

What about other people not in your community? Well, you can either fight them all the time to get what you want, or you figure out a way to get along.

What's better? Fighting all the time to defend yourself against someone for taking things from you, or finding some middle ground somewhere so you leave each other alone, or better yet trade skills for skills and ideas for ideas.

It's called mutuality. If they get shitty then they get shit on them by you. Simple as that. Accountability.

Doesn't sound easy does it? Who said it was going to be?

Life is not simple. Life is not easy. But it can be much better for you and yours if you work together. No leaders, no hierarchy, just each other accountable to each other.

Try to figure out a way for you and yours to do it. I don't have all the answers but I can at least try to shine some light on this whole shitty system.

Apparently all politicians have shit-guard Dockers because no matter what they do, no shit stains them.

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