Saturday, December 26, 2009


I had a wonderful Yule and Christmas with my family, friends, and community. We celebrated all night from dusk until dawn of Yule and had a great early morning closing ceremony with the kids who also stayed up all night. Also, I had a beautiful Christmas Eve with Mom and day with the family and with Dad.

Starcat gave me a book as a gift called "The 21-day Consciousness Cleanse" by Debbie Ford. I read up to the first day of the cleanse, which was about a third of the book. In it, she talks about unhooking your energy from things that are outside of yourself that siphon, little by little, the energy you have each day. The energy that you could be spending on projects that make your soul sing and the world rejoice.

I have been noticing lately that whenever I could get into a moment of "sucking" (of energy), I decide to unhook my energy and envision a hook at the end of an elastic cord. The further or tighter the cord is stretched, the stronger the release I feel when I unhook it. I feel much freer after each choice of unhooking.

Also, when I have a chance to rehook my energy, or hook another pattern, I have been choosing not to. Recognizing and feeling this release has been so helpful and I am overjoyed and laughing inside. I have so much more energy!

Today, I spent a lot of time on the computer and noticed that my body was feeling a bit stiff. I decided to do yoga to help rectify this rather than hook myself into reprimanding myself for doing what I did (which I enjoyed by the way). However, I have decided to mostly unhook myself from the computer during the cleanse, which Starcat and I are planning to start tomorrow morning. I do plan to check online for about an hour each day (at most) so that I can check important e-mails and blog through my journey on the cleanse.

I plan to update the blog at least five times a week to continue a regular practice of writing, as well as keep folks updated who are interested.

Take an honest look at the energy that you give to thinking about what other people are doing (whether you like what they do or not). In addition, examine how you feel when you focus exclusively on yourself for 15 minutes. Imagine the thoughts and ideas that, if you followed through with them, you could create or manifest in your life.

I look forward to this cleanse! Be well!

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