After spending November in the NaNoWriMo challenge to write a 50 thousand word novel in 30 days, I am happy to report - SUCCESS!
So how did I do it?
Well firstly, Starcat and I decided we wanted to do this challenge together. We wanted to create a story where we each would write 50k words and then combine them together to form our novel. Taking a long scroll of white paper, I created a timeline with circles that represented important plot points in the novel. Then we filled in from the Introduction through Plot Point #1 and the Midpoint. It ended up being about 15 days worth of writing! We had other brainstorming sessions as the month progressed to flush out the burgeoning story.
One of the amazing aspects of doing this work was that I could sit down, like I am right now, and let my thoughts and imagination loose. Each bullet point (or day of writing) was only a few words long, just enough to get the creative juices flowing. When I sat down to write, I was able to pull these amazing characters from some alternate dimension and channel their story through my fingers as I typed. What an amazing process!
In any event, with only a couple days off for holidays and rest, we made our goal! I finished on the 27th with 53,501 words! Ideally, the website suggested 1667 words per day. On average, including days off, I wrote over 1800 words per day, though when I did write, over 2000 words came out of me onto my big white computer screen. I didn't even know that was possible.
Ok, to the point of this post. Since I have been writing every morning-ish or so for the past month, I wanted to keep my momentum going and write on my sadly neglected blog. I want to share all the blessings I have in my life and perhaps share a story or humorous thought associated with those gratitude moments. Without further ado, here are three things I am thankful for right now:
I am thankful for...
1. Writing a fiction novel!
(see above)
2. My awesome family!
We shared a wonderful Thanksgiving together where we each brought a little something. We went over to Aunt Peg's since she is still recovering from her hip replacement surgery, and of course we didn't want to make her cook her own dinner. It was a team effort. The spread was amazing and I contributed my cooking talents to the mix with my yummy gravy and savory stuffing (though I didn't stuff it into anything ;) ). We also had turkey, seitan (a vegetarian loaf made from wheat gluten), mashed potatoes, squash, green beans, rolls, two kinds of cranberry sauce, some pink stuff, caramelized pearl onions, and pie, lots and lots of pie. Yum! Plus with all these amazing people, I was happy to be thankful!
3. My partner, Starcat!
Starcat is an amazing being. She is kind, generous, creative, loving, beautiful, charming, talented, and one awesome faerie lady to be around! We have so much fun together. I am glad that she laughs at all my goofy/weird jokes - and believe me, there are a lot of them! :) We love to create together and work together on our business, Feline Dreamers, where we share our spiritual insights and brighten the lives of those we connect with, either in person or online through our writings and pictures. I find so much joy in traveling with her, cooking with her, writing with her, snuggling with her, and just being my authentic self with her. Thanks sweetie love cat! Purrrrrrr...
P.S. I hope to make this a regular practice, so stay tuned and please leave a comment about what you are thankful for too!
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