Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Gratitude Day 2&3: Gaming, Ukulele, and Cats

Well, time flies when you are having fun and I somehow missed writing yesterday. Ah well, it happens. :)

Here are 3 things I am thankful for:

1. Gaming
I like to roleplay. I also like to DM roleplaying. One of the fun parts of my week is playing in one of my regular gaming sessions I do with friends. We sit around the table, grab some dice, and let our imaginations flow as we are guided (or guide) characters in an imaginary world to face epic challenges. Or at least joke around and hope for the best. :) My favorite part is figuring out what ways my character can contribute to the group so we can all survive the next encounter. I like the shared imagination space.

2. Ukulele
So I took a uke class from my friend at our homeschool co-op. I borrowed a baby blue ukulele from a young friend of mine and have enjoyed playing it ever since. The first thing I learned was some basic chords, C, F, A minor, and soon after G, G minor and others I am still working on. Then I decided to focus on learning songs that Dark Follies plays (or will be playing) for performances. Since I know much of the melodies already, it was just a matter of learning the fret board. An ongoing joy to play. :) Plus it fits my hand just right, easier than when I tried to learn guitar, though perhaps I could extend what I have learned to that instrument. 2 months of playing and counting!

3,4,5,6. Cats
Well, since I love cats, and since I missed a day, I will count cats for my yesterday total. ;) Here are 4 cats I love very much:

Sir Percival Lovecat and Merlin Lovecat, brother cats. Percy is an orange tiger and Merlin is a black tiger (though very subtle). They are from the same litter and have been grown up together. They are both sweet, kind, cuddly, and purralicious. They are adorable and love to hang out with us. Percy is decidedly an indoor cat and Merlin outdoor, though they are both free to roam our land since we are away from the road enough. During the summer we rarely see the Merles cat unless he wanders away from Aunt Peg's barn, though in winter he is as much an indoor cat as Percy. His orange stripey brother loves to sleep indoors and changes his favorite sleep location probably once a week. I love those fuzzy bellied kitties so much!

Duffy, my mom's kitty. She is a calico with a white belly and a stub tail. She is very timid and doesn't like visitors generally. After a while though, she will come out and say hi or play with her bird toy with me. She gets really into playing because my mom lives on a busy road and it is best to keep her indoors. Duffy is friendly and loving with my mom and I am thankful for her cuteness. Plus she is very photogenic, perfect for my mom's love of photography!

Seamus the Famous. Though I have not seen him much the past couple of years, he is the most snugglishest cat I have ever met. He is a gray tuxedo cat that loves to be petted. My friend and I lived together for a couple years when I first met Seamus. We hit it off right away. He enjoyed snuggling me at night and whenever I was working at home or watching shows, he would cuddle with me. Aww! I moved out and she moved further away. When I do get to visit, we pick up our kitty friendship right away as if no time went by. Love you little boy.

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