by BlackLion
"You are ready and able to do beautiful things in this world... You will only ever have two choices, love or fear. Choose love and don't ever let fear turn you against your playful heart."
- Jim Carrey
I've been practicing the art of play for many years now. Whether through gaming, laughter, or just having a good time. In those moments of exhilaration, freedom and happiness, I have really found myself.
Now, it may be a challenge for many people to believe that play is not just this silly, nonsensical and frivolous pursuit that only children are allowed (if much at all) to take part in. In truth, play is a conduit to your inner wisdom, a wisdom so full of love, joy, and expansion, that it may seem scary just to think about, let alone live day-to-day with.
I have been focusing on my spiritual beliefs for over 20 years, and the quickest, most authentic, and most rewarding practice I've ever taken part in is play. With so many varied and multiple avenues to more playfulness, each practitioner of play will get into this connection in their own way.
So what do I mean by play? Play is that moment when you are truly present, focused on possibility, and ready and willing to go even deeper. That instantaneous thrill of new awakenings, new understandings, and just letting go of all of life's little (and big) dramas. Your spiritual self is always ready and willing and able to connect to you through play, and it is this delicious connection that keeps players wanting more and more.
Yes, but what about work? Play is not the opposite of work. When you are in a playful mood, connected to your inner wisdom, you can accomplish SO much more than when in a grump. You'll be more aligned with creativity, other people, and the world around you in a way that is not possible without this connection.
The true opposite of play is apathy, and to be honest, most people work in a state of apathy most of the time. People are following the dictates of others who believe that they know better about who you are than you do. A belief that what has happened in the past is a guidepost to what you should be doing in your life. And when you find yourself 5, 10 or 20 years into your career, you discover how lackluster and boring your life has become.
When you choose the playful path, you are choosing to find out what really lights your buttons. Tapping into your natural well-spring of well-being, joy, and love, you are choosing to honor and respect yourself like no other can. When you follow your bliss, enjoy your passions, and become more aligned with the wonder and beauty of the world, you are unstoppable!
To create a better world for yourself, while still meeting all your chosen obligations and responsibilities, tune into your playful heart and align with your highest self. Whether through meditation, yoga, dance, or willingness games, to name a few, you are checking into your present *I AM* consciousness and allowing this fuller part of yourself to shine forth. From this new vantage point, your job will be more fulfilling, your family will be more of a joy, and your life will have a fuller depth of love than ever before.
Sure, we all will get bumped out of this place from time to time, yet knowing that there is a purpose and direction to your life, of your choosing, will encourage you to realign with your inner guidance again and again. Time after time whenever I get thrown out of alignment, I know that I want to get back into this state of pure, positive, loving energy. My reason for being here is to truly find out what my life's purpose is all about. And by choosing Love over fear, I am transforming my life into one that is most beneficial to myself, my family and my world. Blessed Be! ♥
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