Sunday, December 27, 2009

Wealth & Freedom

So the first day of the 21-day Consciousness Cleanse that Starcat and I are working through deals with desires. We went through a list of all the things that we each want and each chose the two that feel the most compelling.

We were to choose an inner calling and an outer calling to focus on through this process. My inner focus, which came immediately, is freedom. Freedom to choose what to do each day, freedom to think what I want without limitations that I have put in place, freedom to travel and be where I want to be. This freedom is a calling in the sense of seeking to find within myself that direct connection with Divinity. To recognize within myself that I am a Divine being and that I am full of love and compassion. I am free to be me.

As an outer focus, I chose wealth. To me, this epitomizes the freedom I am seeking within. I wish to have a passive income that I can live off of while doing the things that I enjoy and broadening the menu from which to choose.

Now, the final part of this is to examine and explore what both of these things can do to further the world. I believe by understanding the paths along which I can find freedom, both inward and outward, I can share these insights with everyone else. I want everyone to have the opportunity to share in the freedom and wealth I will have. By finding my way, I can help others find their own way to serenity and financial freedom. Wish me luck!


dreaming in maine said...

As part of both your online and "real life" community, I am sending out my intention to support you in your intentions. I believe with all of my being that you can manifest that which you desire, and so for my part I can hold that vision with you and wherever possible participate in the process of bringing you and your family what you desire.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, freedom oftentimes is not free. While your callings are admirable, you fail to cite how the inner and outer will work together either in unison or in parallel to manifest themselves. The universe will not figure this out for you. Neither freedom nor wealth fall like manna from heaven. We must put forth effort and use our minds and bodies in ways that will help us find the path to those callings. Unless we do so, we live a paradoxical existence whereby we hear a calling, yet never find it because we don't journey to it through hard work and determination. A calling of freedom demands that you choose wisely.

Anonymous said...

You are already both free and wealthy. Let others envy and deride you if they must; they are as Orcs in your White-Wizard world. Let those Orcs wallow in the mud of their No-minds and feed on the fetid flesh of their festering fears. You not only have seen the light, you are becoming that light, and so shining it brilliantly on others.