Sunday, December 15, 2013

Gratitude Day 15: Snow Days, Rapunzel, and Quiet Meditation

Geez, you would think that I would focus more on writing in this blog rather than focusing on the great things in life while I am doing them. Oh yeah, that's called being present. Also, I keep a loose to-do list in my head and sometimes things get missed. Ah well, close enough. :)

1. Snow Days
We got about a foot of snow here in southern Maine. It was light and fluffy, so not so much snowball making snow. Was easy to brush off the car today though so I am thankful for that. Plus I stayed in and watched a football game this afternoon. Something I like to do once in a while. Got some housework in and made a yummy breakfast for Starcat and myself. Inside days have their place. It's when March rolls around and we've had 90+ days in a row that might be another thing. :)

2. Rapunzel
Had another Dark Follies rehearsal today. I rather enjoyed going through all the versions of the choose your own fairy tale. :) I suppose that being focused on acting and performing has a place in vaudeville. I have not taken much part in that sort of stuff except playing (and dressing up as) various animals for skits and songs and whatnot. I love to expand my repertoire, even though I am pushing my own comfort zones in the process. Always nice to expand!

3. Quiet Meditation
I have been rather silent today. I am processing a lot of baggage that I have neglecting for a while and it is time for me to shine my bright light on it. While riding back from rehearsal, with Christmas music in the background, I took some time to be quiet and just be. Thanks to Starcat for driving. :) Also, just before popping onto the computer, I was meditating, sometimes with a cute little dog to rub ears on. We have Sunday night jazz on MPBN playing. Starcat is finishing up her cutout card project and I am enjoying my quiet contemplation. I am hoping I can release these inhibitions and get past my self-induced roadblocks. Ah well, it will all work out ultimately.


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