Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Gratitude Day 4: Dinner and a Movie, Naps, and Acceptance

Time for another round of what I am thankful for!

Have you all decided to make a list, even a mental one, of what you are thankful for? If not, why not? Why do the shitty things that happen in life have to be the main focus of what is "real" and the stuff that makes life worth living not so much? Perhaps it's time to find that place within yourself and get in touch with your inner guidance. Look around right now and feel gratitude for what is.

1. Dinner and a Movie. A dinner date with my snuggly Starcat. I made portabello mushroom sandwiches, with onions, peppers, horseradish mustard and chipotle mayo. Wow, super yum! Then we watched "Michael" with John Travolta and Andie MacDowell. An angel movie with some holiday cheer and lots of humor. I remember this movie from when it first came out, still a good movie. Plus Michael is the archangel that rules over my Sun sign, Leo. And, of course, my middle name for those trivia buffs. ;)

2. Naps. Though I had only one today, it was perfectly placed in the middle of the afternoon. A much needed one for sure. I am thankful for having the opportunity to listen to my body and drift off for some rest when I felt like it. Too often in the past I would ignore my desire to nap and I would end the day pretty cranky puss. Even if only a cat nap, since I am very cat-like I tend to do those more often, take the time to listen to your body and relax.

3. Acceptance. As I was driving over to pick up the kids from homeschool group tonight, I spent a meditative trip in the car with only the hum of the tires on the road as company. During this time, I accepted myself as I was in that moment. I recognized that I didn't need to beat myself up for *not* being anything that I wasn't. My body is the shape it is, my preferences are what they are, my life is what it is, and I accepted all that. From that launching point, instead of tying myself down with "shoulds" and "what ifs," I instead reveled in who I am. I think I will practice this much more often going forward! Try it yourself! :)


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