Saturday, December 07, 2013

Gratitude Day 7: Clean House, Jedi, and Saying Blessings

Here is a quick one before the day changes. :)

1. Clean House
I am thankful for focusing on cleaning the floors, counters, dishes, table, and chairs of the kitchen and living room today. I love being able to share my cleaning with my family.

2. Jedi
I like to play as a Jedi character on SWTOR (Star Wars: The Old Republic) MMORPG. I really enjoy the story driven aspects of it and also the fancy Jedi moves. Flips, throws, and glowy lightsabers. Yay!

3. Saying Blessings
During dinner, as a family, we like to hold hands and say one thing that we are thankful for. It is a wonderful tradition to bless our food and to encourage each other to look to the best of life.

P.S. Peace and Blessings to all!

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